Eddy Malou, LE FILM
En reparlant de ça, un mec sur Know your Meme a craché le morceau:
il s'agissait d'une private joke des utilisateurs du site "rotten tomato" qui avaient un membre pas très futé (le fameux Brendan).
Il faut donc savoir que la série de conversations Facebook est un fake dérivée de cette private joke: elle a été monté par un autre type, mais pas Robert Graves. Cependant, l'avatar utilisé pour représenté Brendan n'est pas le sien mais celui d'un autiste lui aussi inscrit sur Rotten Tomatoe.
Le commentaire original ici: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/5-7
c'est le top comm des comms Facebook
sinon voila un copy/paste:
Sup, guys. I'm not the TheFreshPrinceofDenmark, but I do know him. And I can tell you guys that these pictures are fakes, but there is some truth behind these images. On the website, Rotten Tomatoes, there was a real user named Brendan Sullivan (oh and that profile pic is of another user named You You See, who had autism) and Brendan really wasn't the brightest person in the world. In all actuality, he gave Fight Club a 7/10, but rated it a 5/10 on the site. We initially thought it was a mistake, but he was being serious. His reasoning? He thinks a 7/10 is a C, but RT recognized 7/10 as a fresh score, so he rated it as a 5. We made fun of him and called him out and thus the now famous 5=7 theorem began. The joke had been a running gag in our group for quite some time (2 years, I believe). And Brendan still posts on Rotten Tomatoes. He has a variety of other brain farts there, too.
For instance, he mistakenly called Joseph-Gordon Levitt "Gordon Day-Lewitt" on the Sin City: A Dame to Kill For forums. And he once said that "80% of blacks hate gays". So while there is a lot of truth behind the pics, these are fakes.
As for the guy who made these, he went under the alias of Diego Tutweiller, a blonde kid who loved the Big Lebowski (as evident in Robert Graves' profile picture). He left RT because he thought it consumed his time... but he has enough time to make fake images and start a meme.
sinon voila un copy/paste:
Sup, guys. I'm not the TheFreshPrinceofDenmark, but I do know him. And I can tell you guys that these pictures are fakes, but there is some truth behind these images. On the website, Rotten Tomatoes, there was a real user named Brendan Sullivan (oh and that profile pic is of another user named You You See, who had autism) and Brendan really wasn't the brightest person in the world. In all actuality, he gave Fight Club a 7/10, but rated it a 5/10 on the site. We initially thought it was a mistake, but he was being serious. His reasoning? He thinks a 7/10 is a C, but RT recognized 7/10 as a fresh score, so he rated it as a 5. We made fun of him and called him out and thus the now famous 5=7 theorem began. The joke had been a running gag in our group for quite some time (2 years, I believe). And Brendan still posts on Rotten Tomatoes. He has a variety of other brain farts there, too.
For instance, he mistakenly called Joseph-Gordon Levitt "Gordon Day-Lewitt" on the Sin City: A Dame to Kill For forums. And he once said that "80% of blacks hate gays". So while there is a lot of truth behind the pics, these are fakes.
As for the guy who made these, he went under the alias of Diego Tutweiller, a blonde kid who loved the Big Lebowski (as evident in Robert Graves' profile picture). He left RT because he thought it consumed his time... but he has enough time to make fake images and start a meme.
5 points, il y a 10 heures . répondre . signaler . favoris
@Lulink13: Ça casse un peu le mythe
1 point, il y a 10 heures . répondre . signaler . favoris
g/cinéma !
7 points, il y a 1 jour . répondre . signaler . favoris
2 points, il y a 1 jour . répondre . signaler . favoris
I want to see it
1 point, il y a 1 jour . répondre . signaler . favoris
5/5 Allociné
1 point, il y a 3 heures . répondre . signaler . favoris
J'y ai vraiment cru pendant 3 secondes, maintenant je suis triste
1 point, il y a 1 heure . répondre . signaler . favoris
je serait près a payer pour finnancer un bon gros film avec un bon scénard et un bon montage ansi que les acteur black que l'ont voit tous au long du film qui représenterais eddy malou dans sa conquete de la redinamisation de la congolexicomatisation des lois du marché en fesant comme mandela avec le rugby mais la avc le foot ball américain et une doublage avec toute les voies et les paroles de malou donc si quelqu'un à le courage et le skill sur choualbox je lance un tee pee et un ulul on va se faire un max de frique
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