\"Fallen Art\"

Petite vidéo sympa!

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12 ans

d\'ailleurs n\'hésitez pas à regarder les vidéos future shorts qui sont toutes assez sympa :)

12 ans

C\'est quoi qu\'ils fument les réalisateurs?

12 ans

\"Soldiers climber the tower and work their asses off, only to be pushed to their death. Only a small picture is used in making the film that the fat guy dances to. They are ignoring the factor that people are dieing. Propaganda is being used to fuel the pointless cycle of war, where soldiers are seemingly rewarded at the cost of their lives. The chairs are empty because the one making the propaganda had no audience.They used to be there, but are now all desensitized to war. For clarification.\" Commentaire youtube.


celle sur le café était bien .

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