vos playlists dans guildwars !!

TL;DR : en allant dans [Your Name]\\Documents\\Guild Wars 2\\Music
vous pouvez coller vos playlists (avec les bons noms ! ) pour différent \"moments\" ingame, musique ambiante, combats, boss, villes, nuit, craft.

pour moi ça sera FINAL FANTASY 7 :)


It’s actually in and working, but the feature wasn’t publicly documented. Here’s how it currently works:

Under [Your Name]\\Documents\\Guild Wars Gw2Dev folder, you’ll see that GW2 creates a Music folder next to the Screens folder (where screenshots go). All you need to do to get your external music collection playing in the game is to create a playlist of the appropriate name and type in this folder.

Supported playlist formats are .wpl, .m3u, .pls, .asx, and .wax.

Supported audio types are everything FMOD supports by default, which includes .mp3, .ogg, .flac, .wav. aiff, and a bunch of old-school music formats, like .mid or .it files.

There are eight specific playlists the game recognizes, and these are designated simply by the playlist’s file name. They are: Ambient, Battle, Underwater, City, Crafting, BossBattle, NightTime, and MainMenu. Hopefully these are somewhat self-explanatory in terms of when you might expect to hear them play.

So, for example, if you create a playlist called Ambient.m3u, anything in that playlist will be heard instead of the standard in-game ambient music (the general music you hear when running around in the world).

Each internal playlist can designate a primary and secondary playlist to look for. Most of the playlists will fall back to Ambient if they do not exist. This means that if you’d like to simply replace the majority of the music in the game, you can just create an Ambient playlist, or maybe just Ambient and Battle. However, if you really want to customize your playlist in detail, you can create the more specialized playlists such as NightTime or Crafting.

The easiest (and at the moment, the only) way to test this is with a MainMenu playlist, since that will replace the music at the login screen.

we can easily change up how this works. Instead of a generic “City” playlist, we could just as easily have specific playlists for each city in the game (e.g. “Lion’s Arch.m3u”, “Black Citadel.wpl”, etc). Initially, I really had no idea how specific people would want to make their custom playlists, so I chose a somewhat conservative set. If there’s enough interest in making them more specific, then we can do that as well.

vos playlists dans guildwars !!
Poster un commentaire
12 ans

Changer la BO de guild wars 2?
Non mais ça va pas???

12 ans

@aedemiel: j\'l\'ai pas trouvéé si énorme, comparée à celle de skyrim qui m\'avait mis une grosse claque, pourtant du même compositeur :s

12 ans

@aedemiel: Mais c\'est génial ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! !! !

12 ans

@omagaaaad: La musique d\'ambiance norn est vraiment vraiment cool !

12 ans

@KiraxX: perso je trouve que les musiques sont bien mais trop discrètes et banales

12 ans

Si perso je vais pas m\'en servir dans l\'immédiat, il faut noter le geste des devs qui nous permettent de jouer avec la musique que l\'on veut :)

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