Aucune idée, je me trompe surement. J'ai plusieurs box en attente de vérification depuis mon inscription. Je ne fais même plus attention, je sais qu'elles ne passeront pas
T'es trop premier degré là. C'est de l'art, pas une démarche anti macdo. C'est pas José Bové le mec.
Si son vagin est aussi confortable à visiter que son corps à regarder, le mec doit se faire plaisir.
J'dis ça j'dis rien, mais je suppose que quand les chinois vont au resto chinois, ils disent juste " aller au restaurant ".
i'm fun at party
En gros ça dit :
" Previewing that exhibition, art historian Jacky Klein described the Brothers’ reputation for “iconocalistic artworks, full of violence and aggression, anti-consumerist messages, and images of sexual debauchery.”
Ultimately, she says, “What I think this work is all about is waking us up, so we don’t sleepwalk our way through 21st Century life.”
For the artists, however, the hellscapes are about exuberance just as much as they’re about evil. “I think a lot of people sort of overdo the melodramatic response to the work by suggesting that they think it’s appropriate to be shocked by the work, but in actual fact I think the work is more funny than shocking,” Jake explained in one interview.
“It’s as pessimistic as we can make it, really,” he admitted on another occasion. “But it’s pessimistic in a joyful sense.” "
Vu que j'ai rien capté, ça doit être de l'art contemporain.