Apparament c'est legit, ce serait une camgirl tchèque, source ici :
Traduction d'après la source:
Description:Czech amateur myfreecams girl your_life gets caught by her teacher in class after squirting. Here's a rough translation of what the teacher says: She is masturbating in her classroom, while teacher is talking. From 17:16 What was that? -Im sorry. Are you kidding me? -No. You had bottle or something? -No no no. Are you kidding me? What is that? -I'm.... You have to be kidding me! So you.. What you have there? We are learning here, we are writing here and you are using here some things? What you have here?! -I dont know i just.. What are you doing here whole time? Are you kidding me? Its not normal to do this....
Merde, c'était un coeur en fait pas un point d'interrogation, le ALT + 3 ça fait un "?".