Lettre de motivation pour stage a l'étranger. [ANGLAIS]

Plop les chouals, j'ai besoin de vous !
Je suis en dernière années de DUT Informatique et je dois faire un stage à l'étranger.
J'ai rédiger cette lettre de motivation en m'inspirant de ce que je trouvais sur le net.

Je dois la rendre le 3 mars au plus tard, merci a vous ! :)

Lille, February 1, 2014

Subject: Cover letter for an internship abroad

Dear Sir or Madam,

As student in D.U.T Informatique at I.U.T ‘A’ of Lille 1, I am required to complete a practical internship with a duration of 12 weeks. Deeply interested in your University, I offer my candidacy.

My passion for new technologies, the knowledge acquired during my studies and various courses have reinforced my idea to do an internship in the field of information technology and communication abroad. This internship will allow me to use all the methods and techniques I have had the opportunity to learn through my academic program.

An internship abroad allow myself to experience new cultures, but also complement my knowledge of English. I enhance teamwork and versatility are important for me in order to ensure maximum performance. Indeed, having studied in electronics and computer study, I gained working methods and rigor in every project I undertake.

The possibility of this course in your university is very important to me for the rest of my studies and my professional project. I'm ready to work and study on various projects such as the creation of mobile application, even if I am able to adapt and invest me in another area.

You will find further details of my career in the attached CV. In particular, you will notice which programming language I learned and I used to practice and the real motivation that I bring to this project.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information, if required.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Poster un commentaire
10 ans

"I enhance teamwork and versatility are important for me in order"

Je sais pas pourquoi mais ça sonne faux. Soit tu enlèves le "are important for me" ce qui donne "I enhance teamwork and versatility in order to..." ou alors si tu veux le garder, rajoute "I enhance teamwork and versatility, both are important for me in order to..."

"I gained working methods and rigor in every project I've undertaken." Celui-là je suis moins sûr mais la logique veut que tu restes au passé :)

10 ans

@Lazy: Merci beaucoup ! C'est corrigé

10 ans

@Kotasan: en relisant, j'ai repéré une autre faute hehe!
"I am able to adapt and invest myself in another area."

d'ailleurs toute la phrase "I'm ready to work and study on various projects such as the creation of mobile application, even if I am able to adapt and invest me in another area." sonne bizarre aussi. Le "even" est de trop je trouve, tu veux dire quoi exactement par ça ?

10 ans

@Lazy: Je veux parler d'un projet professionnel (ici, les applications mobiles), même si dans ma tête c'est très vague. Je veux aussi dire que je suis capable de travailler dans différents projets qu'ils me donneront, pour faire comprendre que je suis pas renfermé sur mes idées.

10 ans

@Kotasan: Si tu veux affirmer que t'es prêt alors ne met pas un "even", dans ce contexte, il fait plus songer à un "mais" qu'autre chose.

"I'm ready to work and study on various projects such as the creation of mobile application, and fully able (prepared au choix) to adapt and invest myself in another area." C'est mieux je trouve. T'en penses quoi ? C'est à toi de voir ;)

10 ans

@Lazy: Tu sembles mieux renseigné que moi ^^
Je vais faire ce que tu viens de me donner, en tout cas, merci beaucoup ! :D

10 ans

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a student in D.U.T Informatique at I.U.T ‘A’ of Lille 1, I am required to complete a practical internship of a duration of 12 weeks. Deeply interested in your University, I offer my candidacy.

My passion for new technologies and the knowledge acquired during my studies and various courses have reinforced my idea to do an internship in the field of information technology and communication abroad. This internship will allow me to use all the methods and techniques I have had the opportunity to learn through my academic program.

An internship abroad allows myself to experience new cultures, but also complements my knowledge of your wonderful language please let me suck your balls please please please.
//An internship abroad would allow myself...<Pas fan du myself dans les deux cas.
I enhance teamwork and versatility which are important to me (in order) to ensure maximum performance. Indeed, having studied X electronics and computer sciences (ECS), I have gained working methods and rigor in every project I have undertaken.
//Rigour in British English, selon où tu vas.

The possibility of this course in your university is very important to me for the rest of my studies and my professional project. I am (tu parles à ta chienne!? :p)* ready to work and study on various projects such as the creation of mobile applications, *although I am able to adapt and invest myself in other areas.

You will find further details of my career in the attached CV. In particular, you will notice which programming language I have learned and (have) used in practice and the real motivation that I bring to this project. (je comprends pas si tu parles de leur projet ou tu tiens qui est inscrit dans ton CV. Si tu parles du leur > that I will/can bring to... Si tu parles tu tiens passé > that I brought to...)

Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information, if required.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



10 ans

@Titou: Merci beaucoup ! C'est sympa :)

10 ans

@Kotasan: ah et aussi "at the IUT of Lille...". Tu voudras aussi sûrement traduire IUT en University Institute of Technology pour éviter toute confusion et parce que les gens qui liront ça ont sûrement autre chose à faire que d'aller chercher ce que ça veut dire, de même que pour DUT.

10 ans

@Kotasan: Encore un truc qui me turlupine ahah
Work methods / Methods of work => des méthodes de travail.
Working methods => des méthodes qui marchent / fonctionnent.

10 ans

C'est pas début avril les stages chez toi ?

10 ans

@EhCoucou: Non, je suis en semestre décalé :)
Genre la je suis en S3 depuis fin janvier :P

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