Dans le rôle d'Heimerdinger : "Bulgarian Legend" Platinum1 Avant-gardiste
Dans le rôle de Leona: "Syrush" Le Good Guy
Dans le rôle de Vi: "Stichis" Le boureau des coeurs
Let the LOVE begin.
Bulgarian Legend: next time come top vi
Bulgarian Legend: dont go gank for leo
Stichis: you where pushing all the time man
Syrush: And now, let's go. Flame & insult me. Keep it up.
Stichis: leona , explain to me what elo do you think you are
Stichis: !?
Stichis: friend
Stichis: we died 3 times in fights
Stichis: you utled after
Syrush: Look at Heimer.
Stichis: when vayne chased us , you had ult up
Syrush: Look at yourself.
Stichis: you flashed instead of ulting
Stichis: how the fck can you have ult
Syrush: Do u think u did better this one ?
Stichis: and flash rather then ult
Syrush: No u didn't.
Stichis: i didnt
Syrush: ofc.
Syrush: SO STFU
Stichis: we where 4 vs 5 man
Stichis: you missed 5 /5 ults
Syrush: And accept that lose.
Stichis: bait us into fight
Stichis: you ult after 3 of us die
Syrush: yeah.
Syrush: Obviously.
Stichis: i honestly
Syrush: Get reported for harassment.
Stichis: think you are boosted or it s not your account
Stichis: i don t even say it as flame
Stichis: ok
Stichis: n p
Syrush: And don't talk anymore.
Syrush: Just, stfu.
Stichis: who the fck has ult up and flashes to escape vayne
Syrush: It could be really cool.
Stichis: instead of ulting him
Stichis: we come bot 3 times
Syrush: Yeah.
Stichis: you miss ult you miss engage
Stichis: you miss fcking evrything
Stichis: silver max
Stichis: bye
Syrush: Stupid **. Flaming for free.
Syrush: Enjoy your lose
Syrush: retard :)
Stichis: n p