[Event] Time to get stronger! Train your Monster!

tl;dr: attendez l'event avant de monter vos 6#


Event 1. Collect Training Points and exchange with Training Gifts (Mystical Scroll)!

[How to collect Training Points]
Training Points will be given when you reach the MAX Lv. of each grade of the Monster!
Reach MAX Lv. with a 2? Monster (Lv. 20) > 2p
Reach MAX Lv. with a 3? Monster (Lv. 25) > 5p
Reach MAX Lv. with a 4? Monster (Lv. 30) > 15p
Reach MAX Lv. with a 5? Monster (Lv. 35) > 40p
Reach MAX Lv. with a 6? Monster (Lv. 40) > 100p

Summon a 3?+ Monster > 10p
* Rainbowmon/Angelmon/Devilmon won't count for the event.
* Monsters summoned using the Monster Summoning Pieces excluded.
* Acquired points will be shown as [My Training Points] in real-time.

[Exchange with Training Points]
- Exchange your points with Training Gifts (Mystical Scroll) at the Event Page!
> 100pts will be deducted instantly for every exchange.
> The Mystical Scroll will be sent to the Inbox as a Training Gift.
> You can exchange up to 10 times during the event.

Event 2. Get bonus rewards according to the No. of Exchanges!
You can graduate from each Training Center whenever you exchange the Training Gift for the 1st/2nd/3rd/5th time.
Various rewards will be given every time you graduate from each Training Center!

[Graduation Gifts]
1st Exchange > 100 Energy
2nd Exchange > 3? MAX Lv. Rainbowmon x1 + EXP Booster (12hr) x1
3rd Exchange > 4? MAX Lv. Rainbowmon x1 + 200 Energy
5th Exchange > 200 Crystals + 200,000 Mana Stones

* Available only once per reward.
* Tap the [Collect] Button to collect the reward at the Inbox.

[Event] Time to get stronger! Train your Monster!
Poster un commentaire
8 ans

Franchement y'a pas à dire come2us assure sur les events, ça s'arrête jamais !

8 ans

faut bien une occase de cramer tous ses cristaux en refill pour sortir la cb le plus souvent possible

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