

12 points

' They will eat them Mandus, they will make pigs of you all and they will bury their snouts into your ribs and they will eat your hearts ! ,

' I laid there, and watched the God i had created die. At the end we were cold as the stone we had hewn his body from. When the lights were nearly all extinguished. We heard in the silent distance, the Manpigs singing to one another. Then, as the last lights were gone, and we lay together in the deep, they drifted away and all was silent. Such a silence i have never known. And as the dust settled on my open eyes, and we lay together embraced forever, I heard, miles above us, the sound of the city turning over it's sleep. A church bell ringing out, and in that moment, the new century was born. ,

Quinte Flush
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Le 30/04/2014 Lendspath a rejoint la secte.