Bonjours j\'ai un problème avec skyrim et steam je le lance et ca me fait \"l\'erreur 51\" j\'ai tout testé avec les aides des forum et autres mais rien n\'y fait HELP please
j\'ai désactivé antivirus et tout pare-feu ect...
Ouai ca marchais nickel et depuis la maj Windows \"erreur 51\" ( verif faite )toujours pareil
Ça peut venir du mod 4gb RAM selon certains posts sur le forum, essayes sans.
Sinon essayes ça :
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim failed to start (error 51)
This error code is unique to Steam\'s version of Skyrim, and for the most part, it\'s a pretty quick fix. We have two simple solutions -- assuming you haven\'t installed any mods that play with root files, one of the two should work for you. If they don\'t, it may be time to ask us below or to re-install Skyrim (just back up your save files).
1. Launch SkyrimLauncher.exe directly.
Navigate to the Skyrim install folder (C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\skyrim).
Launch SkyrimLauncher.exe from this folder.
2. \"Verify the integrity of game cache.\"
Open your Steam Library tab.
Right-click on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and select Properties.
Click on the \'Local Files\' tab.
Click \'Verify Integrity of Game Cache...\"
Allow the verification and potential re-download to commence. You\'ll know it worked if it found a corrupt file and fixed it automatically.
If neither of these works, you may have a rogue .dll or strange setting that is residual from a failed mod attempt. Try deleting d3d9.dll and re-verify the game\'s cache.
D\'abord merci et j\'ai testé tout ca mais cela ne marche pas je n\'est pas de d3d9.dll ds mon ordinateur je comprends pas j\'ai la rage